Research-in-Progress Papers

Many of the papers that were not accepted as full research papers for the conference proceedings are, however, included here for the purpose of research capacity development. Although such papers did not meet the criteria of a full research paper for this conference proceedings, these papers are nevertheless included separately as "research-in-progress" papers.

The research-in-progress papers are, therefore, not considered as full research papers. These research-in-progress papers are listed below alphabetically according to paper title:

Title Author(s)
Vulnerability of South African Mobile Networks to Network Warfare Attacks Brett van Niekerk and Manoj Maharaj
Towards Usable Online Banking Security Mathias Mujinga and M.M. Eloff
An Analysis and Implementation of Methods for High Speed Lexical Classification of Malicious URLs Shaun Egan and Barry Irwin
Building a Graphical Fuzzing Framework Sascha Zeisberger and Barry Irwin