Research-in-Progress Papers

Many of the papers that were not accepted as full research papers for the conference proceedings are, however, included here for the purpose of research capacity development. Although such papers did not meet the criteria of a full research paper for this conference proceedings, these papers are nevertheless included as "research-in-progress" papers.

The research-in-progress papers are, therefore, not considered as full research papers. These research-in-progress papers are listed below alphabetically according to paper title:

Title Author(s)
A Canonical Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard on the Graphics Processing Unit Nicholas Pilkington and Barry Irwin
An Evaluation of Scan-Detection Algorithms in Network Intrusion Detection Systems Richard John Barnett and Barry Irwin
BCP/DRP Case Study: Adapting Major Incident Handling Response Frameworks to a Corporate Environment Pieter Blaauw
BPMN as a Base for Calculating the Target Value of Employees’ Security Level Jan Schlüter and Stephanie Teufel
Considering Contracts for Governance in Service-Oriented Architectures Jacqui Chetty and Marijke Coetzee
Enabling User Participation in Web-Based Information Security Education Ryan Gavin Goss and Johan van Niekerk
Towards A Context-Aware Access Control Framework in Web Service Transactions Carina Wangwe, Mariki Eloff and Lucas Venter
Using Object-Oriented Concepts to Develop a Conceptual Model for the Management of Information Privacy Risk in Large Organisations Kamil Reddy and Hein Venter
Visual Correlation in the Context of Post-Mortem Analysis Michael Hayoz and Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche